MCC Construction Phase Commences: Recap of Progress to Date

Published 2023 Aug 29 Tuesday

Kathmandu: The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a significant American aid initiative, is set to initiate its construction phase starting from Wednesday.

Following the approval by the majority in Parliament on February 27, 2022, the Millennium Challenge Account Nepal Development Committee has been actively advancing the MCC project in Nepal.

As reported by MCA Nepal, the groundwork having been laid, the construction phase is now ready to kick off on Wednesday.

Rajeev Dahal, the Information Officer, revealed that the "enter into force" activities are scheduled to commence on Wednesday, effectively triggering the five-year countdown for project completion, as stipulated under the MCC agreement.

To mark this milestone, a symbolic launch event is slated to take place at the Ministry of Finance, where official letters will be exchanged between the Government of Nepal and MCA Nepal.

Progress Highlights So Far


  • Six essential conditions outlined in the Compact Agreement have been met before implementing the MCC Nepal Compact Program.
  • Notably, the electricity transmission line project has received national pride status.
  • Implementation of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act has been successfully carried out.
  • The signing of the program implementation agreement has been accomplished.
  • Key agreements related to the international transmission line between Nepal and India have been finalized.
  • The compact has gained approval from the House of Representatives.
  • Substantial progress has been made in land acquisition and tree cutting for project access.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessments:

  • MCA Nepal has diligently conducted environmental impact assessments to identify and mitigate the impacts of the power transmission project.
  • Environmental impact assessment received approval from the Ministry of Forestry and Environment on April 29, 2021.
  • Comprehensive environmental and social impact assessment reports have been finalized in accordance with MCC guidelines.
  • Detailed plans for environmental and social impact management, habitat protection, indigenous community development, and migration risk management have been established.

Community Engagement:

  • A robust community interaction strategy involved 152 municipal and community level programs across 30 municipalities impacted by the project.
  • 97 ward level programs informed communities about the MCA partnership program designed to share project benefits.
  • 11 ward-level consultations addressed grievances in project-affected communities.
  • Ongoing community interactions are aiding the restoration action plan during tree counting and land acquisition.

Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration:

  • Land has been acquired for Ratamate Substation, with 272 individuals benefiting from livelihood restoration programs.
  • Skill-based training, financial literacy programs, and employment training have enabled project-affected individuals to embark on new ventures.

Transmission Line Progress:

  • Acquisition of 104 hectares of land in 10 districts for the 315 km transmission line towers is underway.
  • On-site verification and door-to-door surveys have been conducted to ascertain land ownership data.
  • Pre-project notice has been issued in nine districts as per the Land Acquisition Act.

Tree Cutting and Forest Engagement:

  • 73 interaction programs were held with community forest user groups in nine project-affected districts.
  • Tree counting efforts are being led by Divisional Forest Officers.

With these strides, Nepal's journey towards realizing the MCC project's goals enters a new phase of tangible implementation.
